At Eton Academy, we take on the tenacity, intensity, and loyalty of the Bulldog.
We value participation and teamwork more than chalking up wins. While winning is great, we know that students need to learn how to win and lose. More importantly, they need to learn how to be brave and try something new, work hard, and help one another as a team.
To teach these lessons, Eton Academy's athletic program boasts a strict no-cut policy and encourage participation of students at all athletic ability levels. This gives players a chance to experience personal success, team success, explore their own athletic ability and learn about team camaraderie.
Eton Athletics represents how sports can impact a student's entire life, and helps instill a desire for lifelong team participation and physical exercise.
At Eton, we refer to our coaches as "sports mentors" emphasizing the positive aspects of athletic participation and teamwork in all that they do.
Competitive sports include basketball and soccer. We play other schools that share similar philosophies regarding competitive sports, which makes the experience ideal for both teams.
In addition, a number of other activities are available to students through clubs and/or intramural competition. Except for basketball, all activities are coed.